Tuesday 18 June 2013

Featured Card - Settlement

Settlement is a village-type card. It is also very similar to cellar, almost identical in fact, except for a single extra game-changing action.

Its primary strength is the ability to connect multiple actions together in order to start your engine. If don't have enough actions in your hand, you can discard most or all of it in order to draw extra actions. Like cellar, it also helps you control your reshuffles, and so helps to keep all of your key actions in your deck for the shuffle.

It also alters the issue of cellaring another cellar. Discarding a settlement to another settlement eats up fewer cards in your hand, but also deprives you the action you would get from playing it.

The difference between this and cellar is very subtle, yet so incredibly powerful. In my playtesting, I found that it was great for jump-starting engines and kicking games into high gear. It is card that requires some skill, and is a lot of fun to play with.

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